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Tagged: burcuözberk

Ruhun Duymaz: Episode 9 (Final) Recap

Ruhun Duymaz
Having a short-lived stay on FOX, Ruhun Duymaz has officially ended.

Ruhun Duymaz: Season 1, Episode 8 Recap

Ruhun Duymaz
A cancellation is Ruhun Duymaz's future... but that doesn't mean the episodes aren't amazing and better than the last!

Ruhun Duymaz: Season 1, Episode 7 Recap

Ruhun Duymaz
Even though Ruhun Duymaz went through a day change and unreliable promo, it is still holding up quite nicely!

Ruhun Duymaz: Season 1, Episode 6 Recap

Ruhun Duymaz
Given the circumstances, Episode 6 was delivered successfully!

Ruhun Duymaz: Season 1, Episode 5 Recap

Ruhun Duymaz
We have witnessed EcNur's love story for about a month now and the episodes have been nothing but amazing!

Ruhun Duymaz: Season 1, Episode 4 Recap

Ruhun Duymaz
EcNur are growing closer day by day, could their bond forming cause chaos for everyone involved?

Ruhun Duymaz: Season 1, Episode 3 Recap

Ruhun Duymaz
Another amazing episode of Ruhun Duymaz came through last Monday. Let's dive right into why it was so good!

Ruhun Duymaz: Season 1, Episode 2 Recap

Ruhun Duymaz
With a promising start, Ruhun Duymaz delivered even more during the second episode!

Ruhun Duymaz: Season 1, Episode 1 Recap – Burcu Özberk & Şükrü Özyıldız, A Match Made In Heaven

Ruhun Duymaz
Many summer dizis have begun and August is almost here. Ruhun Duymaz joined the roster late but has already made its mark on viewers!