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Sen Çal Kapımı (Love Is In The Air)

Sen Çal Kapımı (Love Is In The Air)

Sen Çal Kapımı Episode 1 Review/Recap

Sen Çal Kapımı
What would you do if you met the man who destroyed your dreams?

Ratings: FOX's 'Sen Çal Kapımı' Beats The Odds

Sen Çal Kapımı
With its growth pace, the series is on its way to cementing its status at the #1 series of Summer 2020!

Sen Çal Kapımı Episode 2 Review and Recap

Sen Çal Kapımı
How do Eda and Serkan cope with having to pretend to be engaged?

Sen Çal Kapımı Episode 3 Recap and Review

Sen Çal Kapımı
Can Eda and Serkan figure out how close is too close?

Sen Çal Kapımı Reinvents The Rom-Com Genre Through A Cleverly Executed Plot

Sen Çal Kapımı
In as little as four episodes, the series has managed to cement its status as one of the best romantic comedies to come out of Turkey.

Sen Çal Kapimi Episode 4 Recap and Review

Sen Çal Kapımı
The one where Eda and Serkan have the longest day.

Sen Çal Kapimi Episode 5 Review and Recap

Sen Çal Kapımı
The one where they go to Antalya and fall a little deeper in love.

Sen Çal Kapimi Episode 6 Review and Recap

Sen Çal Kapımı
The one where Eda takes on an impossible task and Serkan ends up helping her because he doesn't like to see her sad

Sen Çal Kapimi Episode 7 Review and Recap

Sen Çal Kapımı
It's going be a long road back to trust for Eda and Serkan.

Sen Çal Kapimi Episode 8 Review

Sen Çal Kapımı
Trust and forgiveness seem very far away for Serkan and Eda

Sen Çal Kapimi Episode 9 Review

Sen Çal Kapımı
How do two people who communicate so differently come to an understanding?

Sen Çal Kapımı Episode 10 Review

Sen Çal Kapımı
It's down to the last week of the contract between Eda and Serkan, will they figure out they are in love?

Sen Çal Kapimi Episode 11 Review

Sen Çal Kapımı
Serkan has finally decided to listen to his heart and says the words that Eda needs to hear.

Sen Çal Kapimi Episode 12 Review

Sen Çal Kapımı
The robot is all kinds of romantic in this episode, but there are very dark clouds on the horizon

Sen Çal Kapimi Episode 13 Review

Sen Çal Kapımı
The secret is out, plans are being made, but there is devastation in the making for Serkan and Eda. How do you overcome something that is this huge?

Sen Çal Kapimi Episode 14 Review

Sen Çal Kapımı
Serkan and Eda have a last few days of being happy together before Serkan decides to lie and end things and they are torn asunder.

Sen Çal Kapimi Episode 15 review

Sen Çal Kapımı
Serkan and Eda are broken and yet still together. Can the love they share be enough to help them overcome all the traumas of the past?

Sen Çal Kapimi Episode 16 Review

Sen Çal Kapımı
Eda and Serkan attempt to live their lives apart from one another but circumstances don't allow it.. Is it fate or desire that draws them together.

Sen Çal Kapimi Episode 17 Review

Sen Çal Kapımı
Is she or isn't she? Can Efe be this much of a psychopath? Lots of new questions to be answered in this week's episode.

Sen Çal Kapimi Episode 18 Review

Sen Çal Kapımı
Such loving and longing. How do the Robot and the Fairy kiz figure out staying away from one another? Spoiler, they don't.