Masumlar Apartmanı (The Innocents)
Based on a book by Gülseren Budayıcıoğlu, the series follows the story of four siblings of a sick parent: two obsessive daughters – Safiye and Gülben, one...
"Masumlar Apartmanı": Episode 1 Review
A brief, transformative encounter between Inci and Han will change their lives, and their family's lives, forever.
Dizilah’s Performer of the Week: Ezgi Mola
The authenticity of Ezgi's performance borders on sensational; particularly in her meticulous attention to detail to her character quirks.
Masumlar Apartmani: Season 1, Episode 2 Review
Han and Inci's relationship continues to blossom, despite their families' disapproval.
Masumlar Apartmanı: Episode 3 Review
To please her grandfather, Inci tries distancing herself from Han, but once united can these two ever be parted?
Masumlar Apartmani: Season 1, Episode 4 Review
A long forgotten letter helps Inci decide whether she should marry Han or leave the city forever.
Masumlar Apartmani: Season 1, Episode 5 Recap
Inci and Han try to celebrate their secret wedding, but untold truths threaten to destroy their newfound love.
Masumlar Apartmani Episode 6 Review
Han makes two key decisions that may cause him to lose Inci, forever.
Masumlar Apartmani, Episode 7 Recap
Han’s secrets threaten to destroy the beautiful dreams that he had of his life with Inci.
Masumlar Apartmani, Episode 8 Recap
Inci begins to doubt whether Han is the right man for her.
Masumlar Apartmani Episode 9 Recap
Han decides to share some big secrets about himself and his family with Inci.
Masumlar Apartmani Episode 10
Han’s decision to share his family’s secret with Inci brings them closer together.
Masumlar Apartmani, Episode 11 Recap
Inci reaffirms her commitment to Han, despite learning more secrets about him and his family.
Masumlar Apartmani, Season 1, Episode 12
Han and Inci try to save Gulben from herself, while Safiye tries to tell Naci to leave her, once more.
Masumlar Apartmani, Episode 13
Han makes a difficult decision to protect Gulben from herself, while Safiye struggles to stay away from Naci.
Masumlar Apartmani, Episode 14 Review
Naci's presence upsets both Han and Safiye, causing them to reflect upon past traumas, while old problems between Han and Inci resurface.
Masumlar Apartmani, Episode 15
Han reveals a secret that transforms Safiye, while Inci struggles with her father’s disposition.
Masumlar Apartmani Season 1, Episode 16
Inci and Han make a pivotal decision, while Safiye tries to reconnect with her young self.
Masumlar Apartmani: Season 1, Episode 17 Review
In deciding where to live as a married couple, Han and Inci find themselves right back at the beginning of their story, with Safiye standing between them.
Masumlar Apartmani: Season 1, Episode 18
Inci disappears, leaving Han to frantically search for her, while Naci and Safiye longingly recall what could have been.
Masumlar Apartmani, Episode 19
Han and Inci try to end their relationship, while Gulben and Esat team up to save it. Naci begins to bid his loved ones farewell.