Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam (The Father)
The series follows Cezayir Türk, a secret service assassin, who after avenging his brother who was sabotaged, must fake his death and start a new life.
After avenging his brother who was sabotaged, Cezayir Türk, a secret service assassin who served his country dutifully takes necessary measures and fakes his own death. As a result of an injury that takes place during one of his operations abroad, he meets Firuze, one of the doctors without borders. Even though he misses his wife and kids back home, he knows that going back to them is nearly impossible. Subsequently, he falls in love with Firuze and creates a new family with her, but shortly after, he is exposed and has to return to Istanbul. Neither his secondary family nor his original family who wept and prayed at his graveyard, are aware of these developments. Istanbul, on the other hand, is not the same as where he left. He will do his best to fight the foreign forces, but it will also require his energy to be divided between two women who are in love with him.