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Bay Yanlış: Episode 2 Review


Episode Summary

With the second episode of Bay Yanlis, the show deepens its reach into the comedy genre, bringing forth several funny skits among the characters, providing nearly two hours of pure entertainment. With an ensemble cast much like Friends, this show also has three girls and three boys, focusing on their relationship pursuits, and a host of side characters that will weave in and out of their stories. Ozgur and Ezgi have their agreement; Ozgur’s best friend Ozan gets struck by lightning when he sees Deniz, Ezgi’s childhood friend; and there is Ezgi’s cousin Cansu who is in a year-long relationship with a divorced, smooth-talking colleague, Levent.

After initial hesitation in accepting Ozgur’s offer to be his fake girlfriend for his sister’s wedding, Ezgi is plagued by her insecurity that she really doesn’t understand the rules of the love game. She reluctantly agrees to the deal, subconsciously fighting a pull to Ozgur and his charm, as evidenced by the dreams she begins to have featuring Ozgur. Already warned by Cansu about Ozgur’s womanizing ways, Ezgi is cautious about how she proceeds with him.

Ozgur and his ego
Ozgur and his ego

With an ego the size of Texas, Ozgur is the quintessential “Jerk with a Heart of Gold”. Showering Ezgi with sarcastic comments and sliding easily into the role of one who will constantly hide jibes under his jokes, the banter between the two is fun to watch. He is like that blunt best friend who will always keep it real, leaving no doubts about one’s self-worth!

As they fumble through reacting to Ezgi’s interactions with Serdar the doctor, and Ozgur’s advice begins to pay off, Ezgi starts to become reliant on Ozgur. On his part, he keeps to his promise and shadows her movements so that he can tell her exactly what to do and say. With an impending date with Serdar, they even go shopping for clothes together, where Ezgi runs into her long-time ex-boyfriend. To save her face in front of Soner the Pislik, Ozgur pretends to be Ezgi’s boyfriend, which drives Soner away. A rather satisfactory end to his smug stance with Ezgi.


Ezgi is touched by Ozgur’s kindness and starts sliding into her mothering role by offering to feed him dinner and acknowleding his emotional side.  However, Ozgur is no dummy and he is not one to get comfortable so quickly. With a host of back-handed insults, he breaks the spell of the moment and gets himself expelled from Ezgi’s terrace. It was a very funny exchange, and I have to say that Can Yaman is excellent in these comic deliveries. His tone and body language are completely congruent with someone who doesn’t want to be taken too seriously.

Ozgur breaks the spell

In the meanwhile, Ozan, who is Ozgur’s childhood best friend, partner and the head chef at his upcoming new restaurant, becomes smitten by Deniz, whom he is able to hire as a lawyer for their business. When Deniz asks for a job for Ezgi, Ozan agrees to meet with her and hires her without Ozgur’s approval.

Ozgur comes to learn that instead of being at the wedding on Saturday, his mother expects them to be there on Friday, which happens to be the night of Ezgi’s all important date with Serdar. When Ezgi refuses to cancel her date to go a day early, Ozgur cancels their agreement.  The episode ends on Ozgur discovering that Ezgi is the new HR person at his company.  


Plot Analysis

With episode length shorter than the typical dizi, and packed with related skits, Bay Yanlis is proving to be an entertaining rom com, with well-defined character archetypes. Within the trio of friends, Deniz is the bitter pessimist, Cansu is the optimistic pragmatist and Ezgi is the naïve one with the heart of gold. We learn that Deniz had a bad relationship with details yet to be disclosed, and both Cansu and Ezgi had debatable father figures who have left them scarred in their own ways. The way Cansu keeps hoping that the smooth talking Levent will introduce Cansu to his daughter so that they can take their relationship to the next level, is heart-breaking. The sleaze-ball seems to have no such intentions, happily using his daughter as a shield to protect his side benefits with Cansu. As each one of the girls navigate their ups and downs, the story is smartly put together and moves at a clip pace with few to none of the filler scenes we are used to seeing in many dizis.

We have not been shown as much of the boys’ histories as yet, but I suspect we will be learning a lot more about both Ozgur and Ozan through their manly one on ones. They obviously know each other very well and are intimately familiar with the other’s history. This episode also scrupulously stays away from Ozgur’s sexual exploits with other women, perhaps sensitizing the audience to his personality beyond his playboy characteristics.

Even though it's not difficlut to guess how this story will go, if you are looking for light, fun entertainment with well done comedy, Bay Yanlis delivers. Ozge’s acting is much more nuanced and mature than several of her prior roles, and Ozgur was obviously written with Yaman in mind. Sometimes it is difficult to tell where Yaman ends and Ozgur begins.

Ratings for the episode has already picked up significantly since last week, and the English translated episode was available on its English YoutTube channel within hours. This is an exciting new development for international fans and we are thankful to Gold Film and Fox Turkey for trying out this new format!

Article (c) mh./ @entrespire, twitter

All pictures belong to their original owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Last Updated: Jul 6, 2020 21:03 pm (UTC) Filed Under:
mh ~ Guest Contributor
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