Kanal 7, which has captivated millions with its broadcasted series, is preparing to meet the audience with a brand new series. Gelin, starring Talya Çelebi and Cenay Türksever, is set to make its mark on Sunday evenings with its gripping story intertwined with lies and passion.
The series will revolve around Hançer, who suddenly finds herself in a world different from her dreams, and Cihan, who is crushed by the weight of his last name. Dark clouds hang over the mansion where the rich and noble Develioğlu family lives.
The continuation of the lineage of this rooted family depends on Cihan Develioğlu's unborn son, but Cihan cannot have a child due to his wife. Mukadder Develioğlu, who cares very much about her family, her traditions, and especially her future grandchildren, whom she sees as the sole heir to all her wealth, plays a cruel game in order for her son Cihan Develioğlu to have a son. Mother Mukadder Develioğlu goes to Cihan's wife, Beyza, with a dangerous proposal and asks her to divorce her son. Mukadder Develioğlu, whose only goal is to have a male grandson, promises that her son will marry Beyza again after having a child.
On the other side of the story, there is a young girl in the prime of her life trying to survive in poverty. This young girl's name is Hançer. Named after her sharp looks, Hançer faces an offer that will turn her life upside down. Mukadder Develioğlu, who takes advantage of the fact that Hançer is poor and has a family that will not cause trouble, offers her the opportunity to marry his son and give birth to a male child. Hançer, who dreams of finding the love of her life and having a happy marriage, first rejects this offer. However, she is forced to accept the offer when she learns that her brother has a deadly illness. Cihan and Hançer, who have entered an irreversible path, will no longer be the same. Will these two young people, drawn into a big game and lost in a dark maze, fall under the spell of love contrary to the planned games?
The surprising story of Cihan and Hançer, who come together for their families, premieres Sunday, February 11, on Kanal 7.