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Tuzak (S01E14)


While Umut is happy to meet Ceren and the team, he is also very uneasy because of Mahir sacrificing himself.

At the same time, Umut and Ceren try to find the evidence that Mete hid in the murder of Süleyman.  Although Ceren wants Mete to be punished, she cannot accept that her brother has turned into a murderer and blames herself as her older sister.

Mete tells Demir that he gave the bag in which he kept the evidence to Mahir last. Demir is very angry at Mete's mistake and they devise a plan to lure Mahir into a trap. Umut and Ceren's job becomes even more difficult with this plan. Now they have to find the bag and not fall into the trap of Demir and Mete.  The only place Umut and Ceren can take shelter in this chaos environment is each other's conscientious and just hearts. 

Ali in order to reveal the conscience of Güven and make him confess, tells him that Demir stole İbrahim's idea by killing İbrahim and Utku. When Güven finds out that his father is a brutal murderer and thief, he calls Umut to confess everything.

