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Tuzak (S01E13)


Umut and Ceren struggle to ensure both their own happiness and the continuity of the plan, despite Gülce's move. Umut continues to direct the team inside as well as outside. While interrogating Ceren, Gülce mixes her feelings with her work and talks to Çınar for the first time about their past. Umut continues their mind games by gaining strength from Ceren's power.

Demir, thinking that Çınar is Umut, dismisses Çınar Yılmaz from his lawyer and company duties.  Although Umut continues his manipulations against Demir, he is aware that he is cornered.

On the other hand, while the whole team is looking for ways to save Umut, Mahir reads what he knows and prepares a risky trap by putting his life on the line. If this trap fails, it will have unexpected results!


