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Kasaba Doktoru

Kasaba Doktoru (S01E03)


Erol Gümüşok wants Hakan to perform the surgery. When Hakan objects, he threatens him using a secret from his past. Meanwhile, a friend from the past will extend a helping hand to Hakan, and make Hakan put a trump card on the table against Erol.
Omer is determined to give up his resignation and leave because of Hakan, whom he cannot agree with. It seems that the efforts of İhsan, Mine and Turgut to dissuade Ömer will not work.
While the wounds on Leyla's wrist heal rapidly, the wound in her soul becomes heavier. Although Leyla wants to stay in the hospital and work with Hakan, Hakan has a nasty surprise for her.
Yalçın, on the other hand, is furious that Erol's surgery will not be performed in his own hospital and mobilizes all his means to turn this situation in his favour.

