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Bir Küçük Gün Işığı (A Little Sunshine)

With the death of Cemil, Fırat is shattered. Dila, on the other hand, combines her sadness with her anger and blames Ümran for her father's death. As soon as Ümran comes from the funeral, she removes the plant that he poisoned Cemil and throws it away. Yasemin tells Fırat that Ümran mixed a spice in Cemil's food. But Ümran does not sit idle and explains that Yasemin is actually working for Feraye. While Umran is freed from the plant and Yasemin's claim, Cemil's lawyer informs him that he will come to explain his will. Now Ümran has only one goal, no matter what happens, she will do his best so that Fırat does not know about his will and does not learn that his real father is not Cemil. But Elif realizes that Ümran is trying to prevent Fırat from learning the will and is ready to upset all of Ümran's plans.


