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Zemheri (S01E07)


Firuze doesn't get to celebrate her father's release as she finds herself facing yet another struggle, this time her beloved sister, Elvan's freedom. This obstacle comes with Ertan attached to it. Unaware of what has happened, Ayaz is worried about Firuze but his hands are tied.

Safiye has begun to pay the price of her choice. This situation is about to put Ayaz and Berrak on an irreversible road. However, Berrak has no intention of giving up and in order to not lose Ayaz, she sets a new plan in motion.

Ayaz thinks that all the obstacles in front of him and Firuze have been lifted and they are free to innocently dream about the future. However, because of Ertan, the roads are still moving in an unexpected direction, this time, even worse than before.


