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Yargı (S02E06)


Ilgaz has mobilized all his might to save Ceylin from the place where she is imprisoned as soon as possible. Ceylin, on the other hand, struggles to survive with the people inside. Moreover, now someone she knows, maybe Burak, who will be an ally to Ceylin, has entered the room.

As clues about the well killer keep coming, the sleeping enemy will emerge as a party to the case with a new collaboration. At the end of the road, trying to catch up with his old reputation

Yekta's plan will surprise everyone. The case has engulfed everyone's personal lives like a whirlpool. The team, who has spent everything on the case without sleep and energy for days, is waiting for unclear evidence to prove the identity of the murderer.

Ilgaz, who lost his compass without Ceylin, is in search of solid evidence that will completely change the fate of the case with his foresight and intuition. Will the paths he believes have found enable him to find Ceylin and allow the duo to take a deep breath?

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