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Yargı (S02E03)


During the operation, which was prepared with great care, Ilgaz sensed that everything was a trap prepared to lure them into the hotel. The fact that the elevator Ceylin was supposed to take reached the lobby in an empty state made everyone nervous that this plot extended to their personal lives.

Stumbling between the death of his brother and the weight of the office of the Attorney General, Pars now has to face the consequences of his decisions. Besides, it is time to cross paths with Yekta, who is trying to be reborn from her ashes.

While all the information about the people who were killed and thrown into the well were slowly coming to light, the fact that the only living witness was abducted from the hospital alarmed everyone. As Ilgaz and Eren make greater progress in their tangled suspect possibilities, surprise testimonies and secrets will come their way.

The fact that Ceylin acts according to her own truth for the sake of finding the truth, infuriating Ilgaz. A tangle of events awaits the duo, who try to separate work and love according to the promises they made to each other.

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