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Yargı (S02E02)


Before Ilgaz could get over the shock of the note he found, he was face to face with Ceylin. For Ceylin, whom she does not want to be included in the file under any circumstances, she has to make a difficult decision that will change both her relations and the course of the case.

This decision also brings Ilgaz and Pars face to face… The team, which is clamped around the loss of Neva, will find an angry and greedy Pars that they have never been accustomed to seeing before. The so-called unshakable balances within the team begin to pass great tests, including the burgeoning relationship between Derya and Pars.

Danger bells are now ringing for Yekta, who is in the grip of great misery. He is throwing his last bullets to re-create himself... But he pushes his limits so much that he finds Ceylin in front of him again...

Everyone, especially Ilgaz and Ceylin, do their best to find out the truth, that is, who the murderer is, especially for Pars... But what they cannot predict is that the end of these murders is tied to unexpected knots and possibilities.

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