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Tuzak (S01E05)


While Umut is shaken to learn that his family has received blood money, he collapses in the face of another unexpected confession of Mahir. Mahir is left alone with his conscience, thinking that he has jeopardized the plan and betrayed Umut.

Umay is affected by both the fear of the emergence of Güven and the crisis experienced by the family, and gradually moves away from the plan and harms herself. While Umay's logic wants to get away from Güven, her heart never says the same thing.

Demir, with his fears activating him, has a critical meeting with former prosecutor Halil, who helped him cover up the murders. And now, for Demir, the "YörükoฤŸlu" file has been reopened.

Ceren decides to overthrow her father to prevent his father's uncontrolled departure that puts the company in danger.  She tells this thought to his brothers and expects them to be with her. At the same time, this is an important moment that will make Güven, Mete and Ceren feel that they are brothers again .. but Mete, as always, reveals all of Ceren's plans to her father. Demir takes a very positive approach towards Ceren as if he did not know anything. But this behavior is Demir's calm before the storm.
As Ceren is suspicions about Umut increase, her feelings intensify at the same rate, so they both continue the game of chess to avoid a deficit. But their hearts are already 'matte' to each other...

Gülce continues to corner Ali. Umut, while looking for ways to get Ali out of security, Demir is preparing a very dangerous trap for Ali in the background. This trap will change all the balances and redistribute the cards.


