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Kızılcık Şerbeti


Kıvılcım and Ömer's union will take a big hit in the morning of the first night, when Metehan and her mother come home unannounced. The relationship between Doğa and Fatih seems to be on track. Fatih assigns them a room in the company so that Doğa can work comfortably with her university friends. Fatih will be the one who solves the house problem of Doga's friend Yeliz. Nilay, who is determined to buy the boat, convinces her husband Mustafa to get money from the usurer. When Mustafa tells his father that he has sold the boat, for the first time in his life, he is overwhelmed by the weight of lying to him. Knowing the troubles of Alev, who does not accept his help, Abdullah will never take his hand off her, but he will do it without letting her know. The news that Doğa is pregnant with twins will create happy excitement in both families. When Pembe reaches the news that Nursema is meeting with Umut in a cafe, Pembe's reaction will be very harsh. Kıvılcım, who can't stand Ömer's insistence and agrees to talk to him, will experience the shock of his life.

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