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Ateş Kuşları (Street Birds)

As we enter the year 2000, 5 street children are in the hands of a man who begs for children: Ali, Mercan, Harpoon, Sabit, Kara... They manage to become siblings by defying all the treachery of the world. Because they have no roots to hold on to, they cling to each other and call themselves rootless.

The fate of the rootless is changed when they find a baby in the garbage one night. Coral becomes a mother to the rootless at a young age. Ali is also the father… Rootless people who cannot take care of themselves decide to raise this baby with what they find in the garbage. But it won't be easy. Because the same night is pregnant with a great sin. This secret, which the rootless people will carry on their backs for life, will hurt Ali the most. Both the Çatal who begged them and the secret of that night will not leave them behind. For these street children who survived by holding on to each other, the 23-year veil of secrecy will be opened again when Gülayşe falls in love and Barbaros Commissioner enters their lives...

