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Aldatmak (S01E11)


Tarık wants to take Öykü and go and teach Yeşim. The only place where he can be comfortable with his daughter is the house that Ozan left. Aware that Öykü is very affected and upset by the situation, Tarık hesitates to keep his daughter away from her mother.

While Oylum receives news that will make her very happy, she also faces disappointment. While she is afraid to confess the truth to her mother, Tolga's tolerance for living in the shadow of these lies is gradually decreasing.

Ozan, who finally put his life back on track, moves in with his mother again. While trying to tell Oltan about an adverse situation he noticed at work, he catches Oltan alone with Yeşim. What will Ozan do with this information that will change the balance again when he emerges?

Güzide, who is trying to get over the bad days and be happy with her family, tries to be more understanding towards her family. Although she is curious about the past of Sezai, who is always a supporter, she is afraid to ask some questions.

The surprise that the Yenersoy siblings encounter by chance and the decision they make as a result will again affect the whole family. But what will be the reaction of Güzide, whom everyone fears, to this decision?

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