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Afili Aşk

Afili Aşk (S01E18)


Kerem and Ayse have a really hard time during the trial. They’re shocked by the judge’s verdict. As Ayse and Kerem’s plan goes wrong one more time, the old man who lives in the cottage finds the origami swan and sends it to the house. When Ayse sees the swan, a big secret that belongs to the past will come to light.

On the other hand, there is a massive misunderstanding between Muhsin and Yelda. A big fight breaks out. The one who is affected by this fight the most is Kerem. Although Kerem wants to correct this misunderstanding, things will become more complicated than it is.

Ayse steps in to stop Kerem from making a mistake in front of everyone. As for the origami swan, it passes around until the moment that it will change the course of everybody’s destiny.

