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Tuzak (S01E01)


Demir Gümüşay (Talat Bulut), one of the country's leading businessmen, is faced with unknown blackmail in the presidential elections of the Businessmen's Association, where he reached the peak of his career. There is a record of a scandal that will destroy his reputation and conservative businessman image. Demir Gümüşay assigns the person he trusts most in life, his daughter Ceren Gümüşay (Bensu Soral), to prevent this scandal that could destroy the whole family. Having sought the appreciation of her father all her life, Ceren undertakes this difficult matter that must be covered up with great secrecy and searches for Çınar Yılmaz (Akın Akınözü), who is known as the "dirty lawyer". From now on, nothing will be the same for Ceren! Attorney Çınar, a stubborn, hard-to-reach, impossible-to-manage man, owes his nickname 'dirty' to his clients, whom he has gotten so far. This mysterious man, known as "The Distorted Face of Justice" in the newspaper headlines, says that the Gümüşay family has fallen into a trap woven of weaknesses and secrets. If they want your help, he has to take the initiative!

