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Sol Yanım

Sol Yanım (S01E05)


Will Serra and Selim love be long-lasting? Will Biricik allow the happiness of the only two? How will the Barbar, who caused trouble for Burak, react to Selim? Is Asena and İhsan's marriage in danger? Will Biricik deal a blow to Asena's life?

While Selim and Serra's surprise relationship was busy on the school's agenda; Young lovers spend romantic moments in the city. When Serra confessed her feelings for the first time; On the other hand, Selim, who is caught in love drunk, is free from his anger and spreads joy around him. Unable to digest Serra and Selim's relationship, Biricik warns Serra about Selim.

Barbar comes to school to see Serra's lover. Nazlım, on the other hand, starts his new position at Northern University. While the waters don't stop at school; Things get complicated at Kutlusay Mansion, too. Asena takes action to find the mysterious person İhsan is talking to.

A new discussion arises between İhsan and Selim. When Biricik fails to get results from her conversation with Serra, she puts a second plan into action.

