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Sefirin Kızı

Sefirin Kızı (S01E01)


Sanjar, the son of a poor scavenger, is infatuated with Nare, the daughter of an ambassador who came to Bodrum on holiday when he was a child.

These two opposites attract, they love each other very much, they fight for their love for years. Eventually the girl runs away to the boy, but just the night they meet Nare suddenly disappears, never to be seen again.

Some say she fell into the sea and died, others say she fled to Europe. A lover writes them folk songs, saying that the daughter of the ambassdor transformed into a pied bird and flew way. Thus, the unhappy story of Nare and Sancar becomes an epic one.

Nare who disappeared on her wedding night, appeared nine years later on another wedding night. This wedding, is that of Sancar, whom she left behind may years ago. Nare doesn't come empty-handed – she brought along their daughter.

