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Ramo (S02E02)


Cihangir, who sees Ramo in front of him at an unexpected moment, has to spare his life while trying to kill him. Ramo offers him such an offer that Cihangir not only spares his life but also gives him immunity and permission to do business in Istanbul. For Sibel, there is no turning back anymore, she created her own hell and had to enter Cihangir's house like a slave.

On the other hand, Taner has no intention of letting go of Ramo. Wondering how this man who ruined his wedding got out of prison, Taner's investigations corner both Ramo and Yavuz who helped him. Sibel, who tries to help him unaware of Ramo, gets into fatal trouble. While trying to cope with all this, Ramo is also in trouble with the former owners of the harbour he rented to do business with his family.

While everyone thinks about what to do with anxiety, Ramo has no intention of submitting to any of this. Now a deadly adventure awaits Ramo.

