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Maraşlı (S01E07)


Maraşlı and Mahur take Zeliş to the hospital. Maraşlı is sure that Savaş committed this treachery and swears to kill him.

Mahur blames herself for what Zeliş went through. Zeliş no longer communicates with Maraşlı. Maraşlı is destroyed. How will Maraşlı take his revenge on Savaş?

İlhan and Ozan will go to meet with Savaş and Savaş will tell them about the new work he will do. Ilhan opposes, but he is now exhausted. He makes a decision and goes to Ozan's house. What will be the danger that awaits Ilhan at Ozan's house?

Nevzat has found one of Savaş's masked men. By torturing the man, he confirms that Savaş did this. Maraşlı sends a note to Savaş when he comes alone with his man to the address. What will happen in the great confrontation of Maraşlı and Savaş?

While looking at their old photo albums, Mahur, Necati and İlhan see Ömer's photo.

Necati gives Mahur important information about Ömer. Mahur and Maraşlı pursue this information.

The truth that Maraşlı and Mahur learned will be a bombshell for both Maraşlı and Türel family!


