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Maraşlı (S01E11)


Maraşlı takes Mahur, who was shot by Sami's men, to the hospital, and Mahur is immediately taken into surgery. After receiving the news, Aziz, Firuzan, and İlhan rush to the hospital.

As the whole family cannot protect Mahur, they blame Maraşlı. Maraşlı swears to avenge this plot set against him. In what way will the enraged Maraşlı take his revenge?

İlhan and Dilşad, who buried Ozan's body, are in fear. Deciding to divorce, İlhan wants to kick Dilşad out of the house. But Dilşad does not give up easily and threatens İlhan. There is only one solution left for İlhan. Will İlhan be able to implement this difficult decision? How will Necati take action after learning about İlhan's decision?

Acar hides his son Sami from Maraşlı. Acar, who is afraid of Maraşlı's future, falls into Maraşlı's hands even though he takes precautions. Will Maraşlı, who wants to reach Sami by making Acar talk, be able to reach his goal?

Since only Sami knows the location of the remaining goods, Savaş takes him under his protection. This situation brings Maraşlı and Savaş face to face. Savaş's men search Maraşlı's house. Savas threatens Maraşlı to let Sami go.

Maraşlı enters into a great conflict to kill Sami and Savaş to keep Sami alive.

This conflict will cause casualties.


