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Malik Pashazade surrendered to the gendarmes. Gulfem runs to Davut to tell what happened, but she collapses at the sight she sees. Ali Gelik, on the other hand, is trying to get rid of the tail pain of the defeat he experienced in Maden Mahallesi by torturing Celal and Fatma Ana. But first, Gülfem stands in front of Ali Gelik and vomits all the hatred inside her… 'You are a son that even his mother does not love!' - This word and the slap he received cannot be erased from Ali Gelik's ears. He has been shattered. He takes his breath with his mother in Bolu. Thus, the truths underlying this cruel character of his, his painful childhood come to the surface.

Gülfem, who took over the mine in the absence of Malik Bey, is not welcomed by the miners who continue to work in very difficult conditions. But Davut is with her. He will not leave her alone, he will hold her hand so that he does not fall into every difficulty he experiences.

Two lovers will fight shoulder to shoulder, out of breath, against Ali Gelik, who learns that Paşazade Madencilik is going through hard times and tries to seize it treacherously.

