THE PERFORMER | Neslihan Atagül Doğulu
THE SHOW | Sefirin Kızı
THE EPISODE | Season 1, Episode 4 (Jan. 13, 2020)
"Aşk sorgusuz sualsiz inanmak değil midir?" Isn’t love believing with no questions asked? Indeed.
Sancar Efe’s reaction to the news that his beloved was assaulted has been a hot topic of debate since the premiere episode of Sefirin Kızı. For the most part, some have tried to make sense of it while others have simply written off the character as unredeemable.
In Episode 4 of the now-hit series, Nare (Neslihan Atagül Doğulu) retells her horrific story to a much more sensible Gediz (Uraz Kaygılaroğlu) and Neslihan Atagül Doğulu’s performance in that very moment earns her our coveted ‘Performer of the Week’ title.
It would be a complete disservice to not acknowledge the huge acting range of Neslihan Atagül Doğulu. Sure, she is no stranger to heavy subject matter (see Kara Sevda) but somehow, she still manages to WOW us, reminding us once again that she is very much worthy of the acclaim she gets..
Neslihan’s harrowing portrayal of a rape victim is authentically sincere, leaving very little to the viewer’s imagination. In the scenes reverting from past to present day, Neslihan delivers a great effort, providing a real and raw portrayal which proved difficult to get through –– a true teller she’s good at what she does.
Perhaps it's the strength of her acting but we had a hard time picturing another actress not only transforming to a much younger of herself but also elevating a fictional character to such realistic heights, we were ready to declare war on whoever hurt her.
Nare’s story is an unpleased one but it deals with some of the dark realities many women in today’s society face and as such, is a topic for necessary debate.
Major props to Neslihan Atagül Doğulu for taking such an emotionally-charged storyline and masterfully acting out that it resonated so much with us to the point of bringing us to tears.
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