Nefise hala is at Mehmet’s grave site distraught over the memory of their last meeting. If she had known, she would never have sent him away like that she says. Back at the house she is telling Melek her story. She explains that she was very young in those days, Mehmet had come from Urfa to Antep for work. They fell in love at first sight and got engaged immediately. He lived with his Mom in Urfa and had no other relatives. One month before their wedding, Melek’s Mom died whilst giving birth to Mithat. Seyit Ali was devastated and left with one newborn and two toddlers; Nefise hala could see no way to leave him and since Mehmet’s job and his mother were in Urfa she felt she could not ask him to come to Antep and called off the wedding. Mehmet said he would wait for her until Seyit Ali was stronger but she said that Seyit Ali and the children were entrusted to her by her parents and she could not leave them. In a letter Mehmet left her, Nefise hala is devastated to discover that he never married and loved only her until the day he died; she said if she had known this, she would never have said what she did. When his mother died Mehmet came to Antep and watched her from afar. He headed to their house ready to propose when he saw her with Mithat and thought he was her son. He left, never got over Nefise, never married. He got sick. Shortly before he was dying he wanted to know if she was happy and well. On asking around, he discovered that she had never married and the child he had seen was Mithat. He did not want to be a burden to her with his sickness so he did not contact her.
Seyit Ali calls Melek, concerned about Nefise hala. She tells him they are coming home soon and not wanting to worry him, pretends her charge is finished, and disconnects the phone.
Mirza arrives at the copper studio to inform Halil that he returned all the work they had taken in as he requested. He leaves his keys to the studio and says he is going to his boat. Left unsaid is the fact that he didn’t agree with Halil’s decision to give back the local merchants’ business because of it being incidentally on a recommendation from Kenan.
Seyit Ali is unreasonably angry with Cumali for not preventing all the calamities that happened to his family during his absence. The final straw is hearing that the engagement was called off and he falsely accuses Cumali of waiting until he left to do this underhandedly. Cumali explains that Zümrut did this on her own account and it changes nothing as far as he is concerned.
Zümrut thanks Gülşat for coming back. Gulsat tells her that she found Omer’s condition perfectly fine and not at all the way Zümrut had described him. Zümrut continues to lie and tells her that Ömer had refused to see the psychologist and it had been very hard to finally convince him to do so.
Melek asks Ikra what relation she is to Mehmet. She explains that her parents died when she was very young and Mehmet took her in when she was around 5 and treated her as if she were his granddaughter. Nefise Hala tells Ikra to gather her things; she will be going home with Melek and Nefise.
Idris is collecting anything of value in the shop for Kenan. Alpay does not believe Kenan will leave. Idris suggests Alpay start looking thinking about his future and that Kenan will only take Idris with him (or so Idris believes).
Seyit Ali arrives home bearing gifts for Seyit Ali Jr. Nefise Hala arrives home with Melek and Ikra and everyone gets to find out where she had been and why. She explains that Ikra will be living with them.
Cumali is questioning why Gülşat has returned. Zümrut fobs him off by saying she wanted to see how Ömer was doing and it would be rude to turn her away. She is unhappy to hear that Ömer is going to the hilltop house and Defne will be there. When Gülşat walks in Zümrut tells her to get ready so she can go with Ömer. Cumali and Vildan exchange looks but Zümrut feigns innocence.
Melek explains the story of Mehmet and Nefise to Defne and Kerem. They discuss the sadness and pain involved in loving someone and not being able to be with them over a lifetime. Kerem remarks that Ikra is unusual, quiet as if she’s from another world. Melek asks them to befriend Ikra since she’s all alone in the world.
Ünzile is not happy that she has to share her room with Ikra. Beyhan tells her that she will be married soon and on her way. This only serves to annoy Unzile.
Defne tells Seyit Ali how supportive Cumali has been concerning her relationship with Omer and how happy and hopeful that has made her.
Cumali tells Zümrut and Vildan that Halil had a fight with Kenan and humiliated him in front of everyone.
At the hilltop house, Gülşat playing hostess brings out tea and biscuits for everyone much to Defne’s annoyance.
Ikra tells Nefise that Mehmet was in hospital quite a lot in recent years; he had liver cancer. He would tell Ikra repeatedly to contact Nefise if anything happened to him. She told Nefise that Mehmet would often talk about her so much so that Ikra feels like she knows her well. Nefise wanted to know if he suffered a lot. Ikra said he never complained; only when the doctors had done all they could and sent him home did he sit and write that letter to Nefise and then he died in his sleep.
Halil sings an old folkloric song and then asks Defne if she wants to sing too. She tells them that the first time she and Ömer met, she was singing at a club and will sing the same song. Unfortunately, Ömer can’t remember the song and Defne despondent again, goes outside. Gülşat joins her and tells her that she is not there to get in between her and Ömer. Defne tells her she should go away, that the only people Ömer needs is his family and herself. Gülşat says she was not going to return but she was concerned about Ömer and Defne. She assures Defne that Ömer is like a brother to her, nothing more and that all they talk about is Defne. Gülşat tells Defne about the missing diary and how upset Ömer was about it. Ömeroverhears Gülşat telling Defne how important she is for Ömer as well as Defne’s response that she will never give up on Ömer; if he can’t remember the old times, they can still start their relationship anew. Ömer appears happy with the way Defne talked about him.
Seyit Ali and Nefise talk about Mehmet. She shares her sadness at their joint destiny. Seyit Ali regrets that she sacrificed her life for him but she will have none of it; it was their fate, it was meant to be she says.
Alpay and Funda are talking on the phone. He explains that Kenan feels humiliated by Vildan’s rejection and Halil’s treatment of him and is planning to leave town. This worries Funda as it would mean the end of their free ride and she wonders if she should stay in Germany. Alpay will not hear of it and tells here there is nothing to worry about.
Nefise hala tells Melek that time is of the essence. She does not want Halil and Melek to live through something as she and Mehmet did. She begs her not to delay marrying Halil for fear of what might happen in the future; that it’s not right she deprives Halil of herself just because she thinks it’s for his own good.
Melek arrives at the copper studio to discover that Mirza is not there. Halil explains the reason for his absence and they agree he will go to speak with Mirza.
At the Han, Seyit Ali, having discovered how well Cumali had stepped up to the plate, apologizes to Cumali; he makes a few jokes and recalls some of their youthful adventures until Cumali is no longer resentful. Cumali tells him that they have to arrange Zeynel and Ünzile’s wedding and then perhaps a few others.
Kenan visits his son’s grave. He tells his son he couldn't do it; he fell deeply in love that he could not continue with revenge. He says he understands his son better now, how he had to face unrequited love. He tells his son that he is leaving but taking him with him in his heart.
Alpay having arranged breakfast tries but fails to contact Kenan when he is surprised by a “for sale” sign delivery. He tries to stop the sign from being put up but Idris tells him that Kenan has ordered all the stores he owns at the Han to be put up for sale.
Kenan writes a farewell letter to Vildan which starts with his request that she forgives him for unintentionally causing her discomfort.
When Kerem asks Ikra to make him breakfast, Nefise hala informs him that Ikra is not an employee. She tells Ikra that she intends to register her at school so she may continue her education.
Alpay argues with Idris about the sale of the shop. Idris tells him that those are his orders and he needs to speak with Kenan. Alpay turns once again to his chief trouble-shooter, Funda whom he calls in Germany. He begs her to return to Antep and help him with Kenan. He reminds her that the camera recordings are still with Kenan and he could ruin him at any moment. Funda reminds him that she had warned him repeatedly about Kenan and Alpay didn’t listen. He tells her she is right but begs her to come back.
Halil arrives at Mirza’s boat to try and repair their relationship. Mirza tells him that there is nothing to fix. Drawing a comparison between the mechanical issues of his boat and his relationship with Halil, he tells Halil that neither one left the other. Halil apologizes to Mirza and says he went too far. Mirza tells him it was a difference of opinion and he is not upset or angry. Halil tells Mirza that he was right about the merchants being harmless to them but it was just Kenan’s involvement in the matter which made him go off the deep end.
Kadriye brings tea for Defne in her efforts to sweeten her up so that she’ll agree to go into business with her. They are joined by Ikra who tells them how she learned all about natural teas and medicines from Mehmet dede. She excitedly tells them how she’s been growing and mixing herbs for teas since childhood. Nefise hala overhears Ikra telling them how Mehmet dede used to speak to the flowers and taught her how the plant has a different duty in the garden.
Omer excitedly shows Gülşat the pictures and videos of himself with Defne on his phone. He says it seems like they loved being with each other and he understands now why Defne was so upset that he couldn’t remember. Gülşat tells Ömer that he appears much better than he was. He tells her that the psychologist told him to write down all his dreams and nightmares so Gulsat suggests they go and buy a notebook and call Defne to come with them too. Zümrut is happy to see them going out together, unaware that Defne will be going too.
Kenan comes to the shop to pick up his son’s photograph. Alpay trying to convince him not to leave by calling upon their years of friendship. Kenan tells him that he went over and above any duty to Alpay and he is tired of being responsible for Alpay and the employees; this gives Idris pause for thought. He tells Alpay that he only thinks of himself and asks if he fixed Kerem’s problem, did he do anything for Defne? He pointedly tells him to look at Melek and how she has done everything for the benefit of her children despite any and all obstacles put in front of her. Adding insult to injury he tells Alpay that it was good Funda went to Germany, that she would bring up the child on her own better than with him. Alpay begs him for at least one shop but Kenan is adamant he did more than enough for Alpay already. Alpay tries to turn Idris against Kenan by telling him that Kenan used him and discarded him.
Zümrut comes to see Nefise Hala and offers her condolences. In a typically Zümrut way of sympathy she remarks that we all live our destiny; that if Nefise hala had married Mehmet, she would have had children, that love is the greatest thing that people can give each other. Nefise agrees with Zümrut and tells her that love is valuable and must be safeguarded. For that reason, Defne and Ömer’s love should be wrapped in cotton wool. She further tells Zumrut that she should let go of all the anger within her over the years and get out of Halil and Melek’s way. If love is God’s biggest gift to us, then separating lovers is a huge sin she tells a pursed-lipped Zümrut who tells Nefise hala that Halil and Melek separated years ago and no-one knows what will happen with Ömer and Defne. She says she only came to offer condolences and gets up to go.
Melek is happy to see Mirza and Halil come back to the copper studio. Vildan feels guilty that they fought over Kenan because of her. Mirza tells her that Kenan is selling up and going so no-one will have to hear his name mentioned again.
Defne brings Ömer and Gülşat to the old café/bookstore that she and Ömer used to frequent. Ömer feels as though he knows the shop and remembers that they used to drink coffee there. He asks Defne if she would take him to all the places that they used to visit and tells her he will buy a notebook to write down all the things that they experience together.
Alpay is searching everywhere for the USB stick that has the camera recordings. He tells Idris that he will be in trouble too if Kenan gives them to the police as Alpay will taint everyone. Idris looks for the USB stick but realizes Kenan has already taken it.
Kenan calls Zeynel and asks him to meet up. Zeynel is certain that Kenan will take his shop back and reacts defensively; instead, Kenan gifts him the shop as a wedding present, stating that Zeynel is the kind of young man he had always wanted to be.
Kadriye is trying to convince Seyit Ali to give her the shop next door to their Kebab shop for her natural and vegetarian food sales. Both Seyit Ali and Mahmut look horrified but can’t seem to figure out how to stop the sales pitch. Mahmut pulls Defne aside and begs her not to get involved with Kadriye’s business idea knowing that Kadriye will give up if Defne pulls out.
On a roll, Kadriye comes to the pharmacy to boast about her new business adventure. She is convinced that Seyit Ali gave her the ok. Banu suggests she attends some gourmet cooking classes but Kadriye feels she knows more than they do. When Banu makes a reference to a special French sauce, they are surprised that Kadriye knows what it is. It seems Kadriye may well be up to the job.
Melek is having a dizzy moment. Halil is concerned but she tells him she is fine. Melek tells him how upset she is about Nefise Hala and her loss. Halil tells her that none of them know when their time is up and therefore while they can, they should not delay being together. He tells her that he doesn’t want to wait anymore, he doesn’t want to sacrifice their love a moment longer and she finally agrees.
Halil and Melek arrive at the Han. In front of Cumali, Mithat and Mahmut, Halil reminds Seyit Ali that he had requested his permission to ask for Melek’s hand and no longer wants to wait for the perfect time; they have decided to get married. Everyone is very happy but as they go to kiss their parents' hands, Melek faints.
At the hospital, they learn that Melek’s situation has turned serious. The doctor tells them that only a bone marrow transplant can save her. Alpay having seen Melek faint came to the hospital but doesn’t understand what is going on and no-one in the family has told him. He goes to the doctor who tells him Melek’s situation.
Kenan gives Idris the letter he wrote to Vildan and tells him to give it to her without anyone seeing. He will keep the USB stick until the next day when he will decide what to do with it.
Funda has returned from Germany without telling Alpay. She meets up with Kenan in the hotel lobby to find out what is going on. She thinks Kenan is just playing a game and tells him it was a good ploy because it has worried Alpay. Kenan tells her it’s not a game, he is going. Funda questions how he can leave Alpay in the lurch like this. He tells her that they have a house and lots of money in the bank. Funda asks Kenan if he is talking about the house in Istanbul that he gave her. He says no, the house Alpay had bought for the kids because there is no house in Istanbul; he informs her he gave her fake deeds for that. Kenan tells Funda to get out of his life otherwise he will give the USB stick to the police and show Alpay the agreement she made with him.
At home Funda is annoyed that Alpay was at the hospital “running after Melek”. He tells her that Melek has cancer which at least shut Funda up for a moment. When she mentions that Aslı had told her Melek was sick but she hadn’t realized the seriousness, Alpay is angered that even Aslı knew and he didn’t. When Alpay says that he could have been there for the kids who have had to deal with their mother’s sickness, Funda irritably asks how many more times will they have a conversation about Melek.
Cumali tells Zümrut, Vildan, and Ömer about Melek’s situation and how devastated the whole family is. When he mentions that Halil stayed at the hospital, Zümrut wants to know what Mahmut and Mithat are useful for – everyone else exchanges a look of wonder at Zümrut’s heartlessness. She asks what business Halil has at the hospital and Cumali curtly tells her that the person fighting for her life in the hospital is no stranger to Halil and whether she accepts it or not, their son’s heart belongs to Melek.
Ömer tells his mother that he wants to be by Defne’s side as she must be devastated but he doesn’t know the address. Vildan tells him they will go together.
Idris comes to Alpay’s house. Since he has been given nothing while Zeynel is gifted a shop, he decides to betray Kenan by giving Alpay Vildan’s letter. Funda reading the letter tells them that Kenan plans to meet Vildan and tell her everything. “What if he gives her the camera recordings too” asks Funda. She starts to formulate a plan and tells Idris to tell Kenan he gave the letter to Vildan.
As Ikra is giving Kerem and Defne some words of comfort, Vildan and Ömer arrive at the Karadag mansion. Defne is happy to see Ömer and rushes into his arms.
Zümrut is angered to learn that Ömer went to see Defne and remarks irritably about the fact that Halil is at Melek’s side and Ömer is at her daughter’s side. Cumali gets full credit again by reminding Zümrut that the heart goes to the place where it is loved and finds comfort. He says this as he’s leaving the room and it is hoped this means something to Zümrut
Funda is formulating an idea as she reads Kenan’s letter to Vildan in which he asks her to meet with him so he can explain himself and say goodbye. She begins to write her version of a letter from Kenan.
Halil blames himself for not being able to protect Melek from sadness and worry. He tells Seyit Ali they were too late to make her happy. Seyit Ali tells him that once Melek opens her eyes, he will do whatever it takes to do whatever she wishes.
Ömer starts writing in his notebook. He lists all the wonderful characteristics he saw in Defne, her love for everyone, and her courage. He posits that he must have had to try very hard to get a girl like that to fall for him. He writes that he feels very good when he’s with Defne and hopes that Melek will get better and that Defne and her whole family will get the chance to experience that joy.
At the hospital, Alpay offers to be tested as a possible donor. The doctor informs him that only direct blood relatives can do this; that he can join the donor list if he wants to help others. Alpay makes a case for himself that if Melek dies and his children have to live without a mother, it will be on the doctor’s conscience.
Funda goes to the hotel to drop off the letter but Kenan has already checked out. She tries to call him but the number is no longer in use.
Idris brings Kenan his airline ticket. He lies and tells Kenan that he gave the letter to Vildan and that she started reading it. Kenan gives Idris an envelope and tells him that it contains what's due to him and hands over the USB stick with instructions that Idris gives it to the police once Kenan is on the plane.
Gülşat is watering the plants and suddenly spots Defne’s diary down the side of a planter. As Zümrut watches with consternation, Gülşat excitedly brings it over to a very happy Ömer.
Idris is disgusted at the amount Kenan deemed he was worthy. He tells Alpay that Kenan plans to turn Alpay in before catching his flight and they should do something to stop him. Alpay immediately calls his chief trouble-shooter Funda.
Funda can’t see Kenan at the coffee shop and this leads Alpay to think he’s finished. Luckily for them, she spots Kenan coming out of the bathroom and arranges for the waiter to deliver the envelope to Kenan and just tell him that a lady delivered it.
This week’s tear-jerking episode ends with alarms going off from the vitals monitoring unit in Melek’s room and medical staff racing in to attend to her.