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Kırmızı Oda

Kırmızı Oda (S01E14)


Doctor Hanim shares the pain of Selvi (Sema Keçik), who tells about the day she lost his elder son Yiğit, who was able to resist the violence of Rıza (Serhat Nalbantoğlu). While Berna (Sevinç Erbulak) knocked on Doctor Deniz's door due to eating disorders in her daughter Esra (Elif Ceren Balıkçı) after divorcing her husband; Aynur gets her son Bayram to talk to Doctor Hanım to dissuade the girl she loves. As a result of the fact that Boncuk (Burcu Biricik) was talking to the saints during her hallucinations and broke with reality, her husband Sadık (Onur Bilge) seeks a remedy for Doctor Hanım.


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