Hercai premiered on ATV on March 15, 2019, and simply put, you had to be there. The hit series, which ran for three seasons, was centered around the love story between Reyyan and Miran, initially shrouded in the latter's thirst for revenge yet ultimately blossoming into the real deal despite many obstacles.
In its incredibly successful first season, Hercai ratings averaged 11.60 in Total, 7.08 in AB, and 9.06 in ABC1. Season 2 of the series, which premiered in September 2019, averaged 8.49 in Total, 4.53 in AB, and 6.56 in ABC1. While the third and final season of the series experienced a sharp decline in the ratings, averaging 4.59 in Total, 1.96 in AB, and 3.03 in ABC1, its impressive sales overseas (the series sold in over 100 territories) kept it going long enough for it to wrap up on a good note.
And now, five years after the show premiered, find out what the cast members of Hercai have been doing since it wrapped in 2021.