Sandık Kokusu was one of the latest season's unexpected breakout shows, ranking high in the ratings on Wednesday nights. The Show TV drama series follows Karsu (Özge Özpirinçci), a resilient mother who takes back control of her life, confronting her traumas, and bravely rebuilding in Istanbul following the re-appearance of her son who went missing years ago.
Sandık Kokusu concluded its first season with 26 episodes, and it is looking to add even more episodes as Season 2 readies its premiere this September. Melis Civelek and Zeynep Gür will again be writing this season, and Altan Dönmez is also back to direct.
Find out everything we know about Sandık Kokusu Season 2 below:
When will Sandık Kokusu Season 2 premiere?
Show TV has yet to confirm the premiere date, but it is being reported Season 2 will premiere on September 18.
Who is in the Sandık Kokusu Season 2 cast?
A major of the series' original cast is set to return for Season 2, including Özge Özpirinçci as Karsu, Demet Akbağ as Filiz, Necip Memili as Reha, Meriç Aral as Irmak, Serkay Tütüncü as Can, Seda Türkmen as Lale, and Uğur Yücel as Hasan.
New additions to the cast include Engin Öztürk, Nesrin Cavadzade, and Gözde Seda Altuner.
What will happen in Sandık Kokusu Season 2?
Details about the plot for Season 2 have not yet been made clear. The official press release did include a paragraph that teases a great season ahead: "When different paths cross, love doesn't always win, but the spirit of perseverance never loses. With a story that sometimes makes you laugh and sometimes brings tears, Sandık Kokusu brings together the hearts of those who never give up.