Warning: Sarp is currently cancelled for me and this show is all about Leyla. Maybe things will change when Sarp grows up a little. Elcin is doing a PHENOMENAL job in playing Leyla. Her comic talent is really something. She is so good, it's easy to understand her even without English subtitles. Even my two kids who do not understand any Turkish were laughing out loud several times because of the comic relief provided by Leyla. Enough rambling let’s get down to the business of Episode 2.
We come back right where Sarp and Leyla are facing each other, and she finds out he is the groom. Sarp of course acts as if he does not know Leyla and she goes along with it, displaying amazing self-control. Leyla wants to hit him and even maybe kill him, but she smiles and answers politely. Already here in the first scene, she starts shooting bullets at Sarp with her comments. The funny part is that only he, Seda and Leyla know what's really going on. Watching Saro squirm and fear for what Leyla is saying next was easily a highlight of the episode. Honestly, he deserves it by not giving her an explanation and now sitting there being all-loving and caring towards Melissa, his new boo.
Of course, Leyla does not want to organize the wedding of her ex that left her hanging at the wedding table and even though she has worked very hard to be where she is today, she was willing there and then to quit her job of a lifetime. Filling recuperating her life after being heartbroken, having everything come back and hunt her simply sucked. Leyla goes ahead and tries to quit but is always interrupted at every turn, as if the universe was having fun with her.
In her first quitting attempt, Arda almost immediately notices something is wrong as his one-sided love for her has him able to read Leyla's emotions like a book. Melisa soon notices her brother's keen interest in Leyla, concluding he was in love with Leyla altogether.
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Whenever Leyla gets stressed, she goes to get something to eat. On her way back from grabbing a bite, she crosses paths with Sarp’s mum, despite Sarp and Can doing everything to keep them from meeting. But neither Leyla nor Perihan recognize the other.
Part of me felt a little sad for Sarp at this point because it was evident he has made an attempt to not hurt anyone else and just settle down with his life instead but finding peace couldn't be further away from his part at the moment.
Ding, dong! And just like that, the little remorse I felt for Sarp soon run out as he opted to have Melisa changed wedding planners, instead of being upfront with Leyla. Unfortunately for Sarp, Melisa has already built a rapport with Leyla as the two of them really bonded over planning the wedding. Do I ship LeyMal? You bet I do.
Melissa wants to know who broke Leyla's heart and Leyla of course cannot tell the truth and is also having a hard time when Melisa talks about how loving and perfect Sarp is. As Melisa ponders and Leyla relives the worst day of her, Sarp finally decided to man up and heads to find Leyla to have "the talk." He had his chance and he blew, so Leyla rightfully walked out on him. GO girl.
Leyla’s parents are hilarious. The mum is a little annoying as like all other dizi mums, she wants to marry off her daughter. But compared to other shows, the interaction between Leyla and her mum, Meral, is a lot more open, fresh, and modern. Also, the dad is on Leyla’s side which causes the parents to argue. Refreshingly enough, Leyla is not afraid of sharing her opinion and going against her mother. For once, I am okay with a meddling mum because she is not very successful in her matchmaking attempts. Maybe when she finds a better, more intelligent suitor than Adem, we could revisit the topic but for now, Meral's disastrous and less-than-successful attempts will just continue to provide more comic relief.
Back to wimp Sarp, who tries to talk with Seda instead and get her help in resolving issues with Leyla. Of course, she does not want to. But there was an interesting sentence. He said that Seda would not listen to him five years ago when he came back. What could he possibly have meant? Did Seda know something Leyla did not? Did Seda keep Sarp away from reuniting with Leyla? There's certainly more to the story there and I cannot wait to find out more about that.
Remember how I mentioned Sarp being cancelled earlier? Here's why: He proposed that Leyla quit her job because then everything will be ok - FOR HIM. Talk about being cowardly and very selfish! Ahem, Why should Leyla sacrifice everything for him after he left her? Seda rightfully put him in his place.
With a mini meet-the-family event planned later that evening, Perihan (Sarp’s mum) goes to Leyla's dad's bakery because it is famous. Once again, neither of them recognizes the other, instead, the two of them bond over weddings where you must please the other sides family. Perihan is now in the same situation that Leyla was 5 years ago but this time, the stakes a slightly much higher!
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Just as she departs the bakery, Leyla hits her in the head with a football, another hilarious highlight of the episode.
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Let's talk about Melisa for a second, who we learn is starting to show some cracks. She clearly needs to be in control of everything. Whenever she cannot reach Sarp, she starts to panic. She senses that he is different after his return and she becomes increasingly suspicious. At one point, she almost finds the photo of Sarp and Leyla but in true dizi style, the photo she discovers is a cute baby picture of Sarp! *whew* talk about dodging a bullet.
Leyla has a perfect way to relieve stress – Baking! That batter is getting some heavy beating but where it gets really funny is when she kills and dismember the dough aka Sarp. At the same time, we see Sarp chopping wood being frustrated about Leyla and wondering what she does to calm herself down. Well, Sarp she is killing you – again!!
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At the dinner party, we get a glimpse of a very disappointed Arda when he sees that Sarp is wearing the family watch and his dad offered a big position to Sarp. When Leyla's dad is bringing the dessert, he hears Sarp's name which puts him in a bad mood. He is clearly not over the breakup. In a subsequent flashback sequence, we see Sarp lying that his dad is dead and his mum lives in the US.
Meanwhile back home, Leyla starts to receive sweet messages from an unknown number. Surprise, surprise! The messages are from none other than Adem. The way Leyla handles the situation is hilarious in every scene, and oh, her mum Meral definitely got herself in big trouble in the process.
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When Leyla again receives a message asking her to come down to the garden, she decides to teach Adem a lesson, opening the window and pouring flour on him. Turns out, the man waiting at the window was Sarp and as soon as Leyla says his name, her dad goes all John Wayne shooting after Sarp.
Leyla tries to divert attention, saying it is Adem waiting and asks for permission to go speak with him. Sarp kidnaps her and forces her to talk with him. She again asks for an explanation but all he wants is for her to quit planning the wedding. She wants the same but on her terms! When she kicks the car and hurts herself, Sarp wants to help her, but she refuses his help and walks home injured with him driving behind her. Sorry Sarp, your help is 5 years too late. When Leyla arrives back home, she gets into trouble as Adem once again showed up at her home with flowers, blowing her cover in the process.
In the end, Sarp, Melissa and Leyla go location scouting for the wedding. Melissa ends up in the pool followed by Leyla who is pushed in by Sarp because she laughed at Melissa. Melissa drops her ring in the pool and literally goes ballistic. When Sarp finds the ring and puts it back on her finger, in the presence of Leyla, the most heart wrecking scenes followed as we are shown a flashback of Leyla being proposed to by Sarp.
Since Leyla has made the decision not to quit, Sarp goes to Aslihan and asks for another organizer pissing Leyla off even more. When Leyla goes to confront him, she passes out. And just then and there, there is a knock on the door. Guess who? Well, since this is a dizi, Melissa arrives with champagne and wants some quality time with her fiancé. Uh-oh, Sarp you are so much in trouble, but you only have one to blame!
There wasn't much of a process with the storyline in Episode 2 as the episode revolved mainly on whether Leyla would quit or not. While that may sound boring, it certainly wasn't as I found myself laughing uncontrollably throughout.
While I eagerly await the next episode, I hope we would receive some answers to many pending questions:
- How will her dad react if Leyla doesn't eventually quit her job and join his bakery, as promised?
- What did happen in the 5 years since Sarp ran away?
- When did he come back and why did he talk with Seda and not Leyla? And why did Seda keep that from Leyla?
- What is Melissa hiding from her past with the cracks we see in her?
- How will Sarp manage both the ex and the current fiancé right next to each other?
Lots of reasons to watch Episode 3 of, İyi Günde Kötü Günde, airing Septmeber 26!