Merhabalar, Dizilah fam! We're nearing the 4th year since Dizilah launched, and it is crazy to think how far we have come -- and it is all thanks to you all.
Some of you may have already noticed, but for those who haven't, we're super excited to present the new and improved website to you.
Since we launched, we have only made minor tweaks here and there to the website but having learned so much from how you all interact with the website over the last couple of years, we've gone the extra mile to make sure the website is better for YOU!
What's new?
Show Page
Now, this one was long overdue. We have drastically improved the UI/UX of all show-related pages. From the main summary page to the episode pages, we have made it so much easier (& faster) for you to find the shows you love here on Dizilah. Explaining this update wouldn't do much justice, so please head over to the Dizilah page of your favorite dizi to check it out.

You asked, we answered. We have officially started adding daily ratings to Yes, you heard that right. If you heard over to right now, you would see ratings for the previous day, sorted by all three categories. This feature is still brand new, but in the coming weeks, an archive of ratings will be made available so you can look back at ratings for even shows that have concluded. Additionally, you will also be able to compare the ratings between two shows + multiple seasons of the same shows. Pretty cool, huh?

Social Charts
Ever wondered what series and dizi couples are trending every day on social media –– wonder no more! We've created a BRAND NEW "Social Charts" page that will update daily with stats directly from various social media, including Twitter. The Top 10 of both the series and couples charts is determined by the most talked-about every day. Yani, if you would like your favorites to be in the Top 10, head over to Twitter and tweet about them but also be sure to track the show(s) and like the couple(s) here on Dizilah because that counts as well!
Check out the charts page over at!

Your Personalized Show Tracker
This is one change we've been itching to do for the longest time, and we're happy to announce it was completed with this release. The user experience of your personalized show tracker on Dizilah has drastically changed for the better. We've broken down the tracker into various sections to help better track your viewing habits.

In the "Watchlist" tab, you can now see what shows you're currently watching, what shows you haven't started yet, and even what shows you have completed.
We've also added a "Favorites" tab where you can review every item you have ever liked on Dizilah. From actors to user lists, everything lives under that tab.
Another exciting new addition to the Tracker page is "recommendations." With just a few clicks in that tab, our algorithm recommends a brand new dizi for you to try out and get hooked on!
The new tracker page also now features a personalized calendar just for you! With this calendar, you're in the loop on which one of your favorite shows will be on air in 7 days.
To check out all the cool new changes, head over to the new and improved tracker page şimdi (if you aren't registered already, please create an account right here).
Light Mode
A much brighter version of is now available to all members! Depending on what's comfortable, you can toggle between dark and light mode in the top right corner of the navigation, and the mode you select would be remembered across sessions.

While we have only highlighted a few of the changes above, every single page on Dizilah was updated to add new functionalities and improve user experience + speed. Please feel free to look around and hit us up if you spot any bugs!
What's Next?
Arkardaslar, while the changes we've highlighted above are exciting, we're far from done. In the coming weeks – drum rolls please – a brand new Dizilah mobile app will launch and be available for iOS and Android devices. Many of you have said that having an app would be incredibly instrumental in helping you better keep track of the Turkish dramas you're currently watching, and we definitely heard you loud and clear. Daily reminders, ratings archive, exclusive interviews, our brand new app has got you COVERED!
Before we wrap this up, another super exciting change is coming, but we can only tease it for now. Very very soon, you will be able to earn custom badges for your interactions on Dizilah. Track a show or three? That's a custom badge. Watch 100 episodes? Another custom badge. Follow a friend? You guessed right, another badge. We have so many cool custom badges currently being designed, and when the time comes, we're going to be breaking down how to earn each and every one of them to you guys. STAY TUNED!
....and that's it for now! Thank you all for reading!
A NOTE FROM HALEY (FOUNDER OF DIZILAH) – Thank you all for your continued support. We do what we do because of you guys, and we're so happy that you all are using the website, some of you, every day. Sending lots of love from Canada
Dizilah is always looking for volunteers (and translators). If you are watching a show right now and would like to help keep it up-to-date for other fans on Dizilah, please reach out to us at [email protected]!
(If you read this far down, you're amazing, and you deserve good things. Please message us on Instagram to be one of the first to test out the brand new Dizilah app before it launches, wink wink!)