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Ariza: Season 1, Episode 9 Recap

Ep 9 Photo 1 Cover

When the bomb that Jabir put on Hasmet doesn’t explode, his brother attempts to kill him however Ariza is quicker and shoots him first.  This begins a shoot-out that results in Jabir escaping with his wounded brother and the rest of his men getting killed.  Afterward, Burak asks Ariza why the bomb didn’t go off and Ariza explains he placed a signal blocker in the money bag.  Knowing that the situation just got worse, Hasmet rushes to see Halide and to update the consortium.  

Jabir’s brother dies during surgery.  Distraught and angry, he orders his men to find out anything and everything about Ariza to avenge his brother’s death.        

Halide is ecstatic when she sees her father and Ariza have returned safe and sound.  Ariza informs his family they will all need to stay at Hasmet’s house for a few days as a safety precaution.  His sister, Emine, refuses however Ariza tells her he will take her by force if necessary in order to keep them all safe. 

Ariza arrives at Hasmet’s home with his family.  Hasmet informs him they will need to leave soon to meet with the consortium to figure out their next steps.  As Hasmet prepares for the meeting, Halide thanks Ariza for bringing her father home safely.  She tells him his family took really good care of her who she grew to love.  Looking into Ariza’s eyes, she confesses that she has also fallen in love with him.  This leaves Ariza speechless at first but then he tells her once he solves the problem he’s dealing with now, he will also confess his feelings.  

During the consortium meeting, Mithat immediately accuses Ariza of causing all the problems with Jabir since he’s the one who killed his brother.  Ariza responds by saying he did what he had to do to protect Hasmet.  The partners suddenly receive a video call from Jabir who shows them empty graves who tells them they’re for their children that he plans on killing as payback for his brother’s death.  He explains the only way they’ll be safe is if they give up Ariza to him.  Before the partners decide what to do, Ariza tells them he’ll find Jabir and kill him.  The partners are offended that he would make that kind of decision on his own so Ariza explains since he’s the one who killed Jabir’s brother, he needs to take the risk of killing Jabir and walks out of the meeting.  Hasmet attempts to talk to Ariza who refuses to listen to him however he asks him to take care of his family if he doesn’t return.  Ariza receives a call from Muzaffer who also becomes upset that Ariza is facing Jabir alone but Ariza doesn’t listen to him.  Muzaffer rushes to try to provide him back-up. 

Ariza arrives at the warehouse where Jabir’s men are located and successfully shoots all of them except for one who calls Jabir to let him know he’s there waiting for him.  Jabir’s men arrive and take Ariza to him.  While transporting him, Jabir’s men discover Muzaffer following them so they set a trap and open fire shooting him.  Jabir finally comes face to face with Ariza who proceeds to show him a video of his men shooting Muzaffer who thinks the consortium sent him.  Jabir proceeds to torture him and tells him he won’t kill him until he suffers by seeing him kill his family.      

When Hasmet returns home, he worries everyone when Ariza doesn’t return with him.  He tells them he still has business to take care of so he won’t be returning until later.  Halide knows something is going on with Ariza so she forces Hasmet to tell her.  He explains that Ariza is in trouble but they’re already trying to locate him.  Ariza’s sister, Emine, overhears them and has a melt-down.  She begs Hasmet to save her brother.  Ariza’s friends visit Hasmet since they haven’t been able to get in touch with him.  Hasmet explains Ariza has decided to meet with Jabir on his own but that he’s already trying to locate him.  Ferit and Fatih tell him that they’ll also start searching the area.     

The following morning, there is still no word from Ariza.  His mother tries to call Muzaffer to ask him for help but finds out that he was shot while trying to protect him.  She tells Halide who becomes desperate to help Ariza so she calls Burak to ask him to meet her right away.  When Burak arrives, Hasmet is confused about why Halide would want to see him so he asks Sabri to tell him to leave.  Halide tells him that she needs to speak with him since he’s not doing anything to help Ariza.  She asks Burak to find Ariza and if he successfully returns him safe and sound, she agrees to have the type of relationship that he wants.  A shocked Burak immediately takes his crew to look for Ariza.     

Jabir continues to torture Ariza.  He tells him he decided to kill his brother, Mert, just like he killed his brother.  Jabir sends a text to Mert with a location telling him to meet him there if he wants to see Ariza.  Mert demands to leave Hasmet’s home who refuses to let him leave alone.  Mert pulls a gun on Hasmet and tells him he’s leaving to look for his brother so Hasmet reluctantly allows him to leave.  Hasmet assumes he received some type of clue from Jabir so Hasmet and Sabri follow Mert in hopes of finding Ariza.  At the same time, Burak arrives at the Taxi Café pretending to care about Ariza and tries to get information from them to try to locate him.  

Meanwhile, Ariza continues to struggle to free himself from the handcuffs and finally succeeds by loosening a nail from a chair.  He frees himself just before one of Jabir’s men enters the room with his lunch.  Ariza surprises the guard and takes him down.  He continues to exit the building shooting everyone in sight.  Just as he’s about to leave, more men arrive but Ferit and Fatih also arrive just in time to help him.  He tells them he needs to leave immediately to look for Jabir who’s attempting to kill Mert.  As Ariza is leaving the building, Burak arrives who wonders how Ariza was able to get away from Jabir alive.  

Mert arrives at the location to meet with Jabir.  His men arrive as well, who lie and tell him that Ariza is in the car waiting.  As they take him into the warehouse, Jabir arrives.  He tells him that he’s going to kill him just like Ariza killed his brother.  They attempt to call his men so they can bring Ariza to their location but no one answers.  Jabir doesn’t want to wait, so he asks one of his men to record him torturing and killing Mert to show Ariza later.  Hasmet and Sabri appear and surprise Jabir.  Hasmet tells him to release Mert since his problem is with him.  Jabir refuses and orders his men to shoot but Ariza arrives ready for more action! 

My Thoughts: Another great action-packed episode.  I loved that Halide finally expressed her feelings for Ariza – I so wanted him to respond but I guess we have to wait until next week.  I also loved the scene with Ariza taking out Jabir’s men – he was fearless!  Last, I thought it was great how they gave us a glimpse of Hasmet and Sabri in action.  These two men continue to be brave and willing to do whatever it takes to help their loved ones.  I didn’t like that Halide asked Burak, of all people, to help Ariza.  She knows he’s a loser and a coward who hides behind his guards and father.  I can’t wait for next Sunday's episode especially after watching the fragman that shows Ariza kissing Halide after they have a heated argument.  Finally!!  

Until next week.    

Last Updated: Nov 13, 2020 23:05 pm (UTC) Filed Under:
Dee Lo ~ Guest Contributor
I love Turkish dizis. Huge fan of Tolga Sarıtaş and Ayça Ayşin Turan.