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Zemheri (S01E02)


Firuze is shocked to find out that she will be tested with Ayaz at the same time she tries to save her father. 

Ayaz also does not expect to see Firuze in front of him, he confronts her with a lot of questions on his mind. This reckoning will be very difficult for both of them.

Ertan puts Firuze to the test whilst he continues to plot who to blame for the accident his negligence caused. He intends to clarify his plans for the future with Berrak Ayaz, but he has to deal with the problems she has brought before his family. When Aliye tracks down Faruk and finds out what he has been up, the truth she learns will be devasting.

Firuze goes after the images to save her father. As a result, her pure heart is once again deeply injured. Ayaz, on the other hand, is unaware of the great pain he will experience on his path to discovering what Firuze is up to.

