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Vuslat (S02E01)


Nothing will be the same anymore...

On his journey to Visal, Aziz faces death.

Aziz and Feride will overcome many obstacles and will come together in a surprising way however nothing will be the same again.As Aziz prepares to ready burn all the ships(idiom*), Feride receives an unexpected invitation.

The stones will move and the secrets will be revealed...

On the morning of the night Aziz and Feride were poisoned, Kerem was shot and Tahsin came nose to nose with the police, Both the Korkmazer Family and the Çağlar Family suffered great losses.

When two families get together, everything will change. The secret of past can no longer be hidden in memories and dusty basements.

Sultan, who had to take over the business in order to maintain the balances in the Holding, had to grow up earlier than necessary because she is a Korkmazer.

In behind the scenes Nehir is the company's sole boss. Even though she wants to get rid of Feride, she still works together with her during the tough process of the holding.

Kerem will get closer to the whole picture....

Kerem went after Alice and the key given to him to find clues about his past and with every information he found he came closer to the whole picture.

While Salih Baba will be waiting for the return of the Passenger in Satranc-Δ± Urefa, on the other hand, he is waiting for what 'Fate' will bring instead of 'Wheel of Fortune'.


*Idiom: Burning the ships - Ready to make irreversible decisions, making a decision while accepting whatever will be the end result

