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Ariza: Season 1, Episode 8 Recap

Ep 8 Photo 1

After Ariza survives the explosion in the warehouse, he attempts to go after Burak but Hasmet stops him.  He tells him that as much as he wants him to kill Burak, they have a much bigger threat now that the weapons have been destroyed. Hasmet convinces Ariza to stay at his house to protect Halide while he attends a meeting with the consortium.   While Halide is cleaning Ariza’s wounds, she informs him that she has decided to start a new life and will be going abroad as a volunteer for a medical program.  Ariza tells her he’s happy for her but it’s clear he’s sad about her leaving.  Halide asks if he doesn’t have anything else to say to her about it but when Ariza stays quiet, she assumes he doesn’t care about her and walks away.   

Burak meets with Fuat but of course, he lies and tells him Ariza found the weapons before he got a chance to remove the serial numbers so he blew up the warehouse.  Fuat is devastated and immediately calls Mithat to give him the news and to get the consortium together to discuss a plan of attack and to get their families to safety.  

During the consortium meeting, they get word that none of their associates are willing to help them.   Galip is the only partner who wants to declare war but the other partners are not willing to do that for fear of their families. Hasmet suggests they negotiate and volunteers to do it.       

Hasmet returns and explains to Ariza that he will be meeting with Jabir, leader of one of the most powerful military armies.  He asks Ariza to take Halide to the house he found Yashar since no one else knows about that location to keep her safe.  Ariza refuses to let Hasmet meet Jabir alone but he pleads with him to stay with Halide so he can protect her.  Ariza informs Hasmet of Halide’s plans to join a medical program abroad and Hasmet tells him that he can’t let her go for fear that Jabir will find her.   Hasmet asks Ariza to promise him that if he doesn’t return, he will make sure Halide gets a new identification and relocates her somewhere where no one knows who she is so she can be safe.  


The following morning, Hasmet leaves to meet Jabir but not before reminding Ariza that he’s entrusting Halide to him since he’s the only person he trusts to protect her.  When Halide looks for her father, she asks Ariza why he didn’t leave with him who tells her he didn’t leave because of her.  She reminds him she doesn’t need protection and attempts to leave but Ariza doesn’t let her.  Halide becomes angry so Ariza explains that Hasmet asked him to take her to another location for her safety.  Once they arrive, Halide has a melt-down.  She cries to Ariza that her father is her only family left so he reassures her that Hasmet will never leave her.    

Meanwhile, Hasmet is met by Jabir’s men who blindfold and cuff him and take him to their location.  Hasmet attempts to negotiate with him by offering $50 million dollars to compensate him for the weapons.  Jabir responds that they will pay him the money that is owed to him and demands payback.  He shows Hasmet several pictures of family members of the consortium including Halide and Ariza and asks him to choose who he will kill as payback.  Hasmet tells Jabir to take his life however Jabir has another plan.  He gives Hasmet another photo which is his brother.  He tells him the only thing that will save them is if they help him escape from prison.  Hasmet agrees and sends a message to Ariza and the partners of the conditions Jabir has requested.  Ariza tells Halide that he will do whatever it takes to bring Hasmet back and takes her to his house while he leaves to meet with the consortium.           

Fuat and Mithat meet and plan on what to do if Hasmet doesn’t return.  Mithat suggests they tell Jabir that Hasmet, Sheymuz, and Galip were all responsible for blowing up the warehouse in an attempt to destroy him.  Fuat agrees but only if Hasmet isn’t successful.  As they continue to discuss their plan, Fuat receives a picture of Murat and Fusun.  They panic so Burak calls Murat who tells him he’s with Fusun who had to leave a restaurant in a hurry after being served a bullet.  He tells him to go to their house immediately for safety precautions.  As the partners meet at Fuat’s home, Mithat tries to imply that Hasmet was responsible for the weapons blowing up however Galip and Shaymuz disagree saying that they know Hasmet wouldn’t do that.  As they discuss strategies, Melek interrupts their meeting and calls them cowards for hiding when they should be fighting like real men.  She praises Hasmet for being the only brave one who was willing to face Jabir.

 riza arrives at Fuat’s house to meet with the consortium at the same time as Burak causing another confrontation regarding Halide.  Burak asks where she is so he can get her, Ariza responds that Halide is none of his business and that he’s protecting her.  As Ariza walks away, Burak asks him if he’s protecting Halide just like he protected his sister.  This causes Ariza to become enraged and proceeds to put a gun to his head and tells him the only reason he’s not killing him at that moment is that he has to help Hasmet and walks away.   

Ariza meets with the consortium and volunteers to help Jabir’s brother escape from prison.  Mithat thinks he’s being ridiculous since he doesn’t have any experience.  The other partners give Ariza a chance to lay out his plan which involves having the prisoner called to appear in court and while he’s being transported, Ariza will kidnap him making it appear like Jabir’s men helped him escape.  The partners agree to the plan and Burak volunteers to send the notice in an attempt to stay relevant in the eyes of the partners.   

Ariza returns home and checks on Halide to give her the news that they have an opportunity to get Hasmet back.  She’s happy and tells him that she trusts him to get it done.  As they share a heartwarming hug, Ariza gets a call from Burak to tell him that the prisoner has refused to appear in court.  Ariza tells him he shouldn’t have gotten involved in the first place and will take care of it himself.  He calls Muzaffer to get his help and he reluctantly agrees by calling his contact at the prison who is the chef and asks him to add drugs to Jabir’s brother’s food that will make him appear sick.  As his plan is in place, Ariza takes a moment to sing a beautiful song for Halide which translates into the words that he wasn’t able to tell her earlier when she asked him how he felt about her plans of leaving.   

The following day, the plan goes without a hitch.  Jabir’s brother is taken from the ambulance and with Ariza’s direction, none of the guards are killed.  Once they have the prisoner secured, Ariza gets a call from Hasmet and Jabir to check on the situation.  He informs them the prisoner is secure and the money is ready and they’re waiting on the location for the exchange.   

Once they get the location, Ariza takes the money and the prisoner to exchange for Hasmet.  Before they meet, Hasmet yells to Ariza that Jabir put a bomb on him and for him to leave.  Ariza refuses and holds on to him as Jabir threatens to press the detonator.      

This episode had a really nice surprise when Ariza sang.  I thought he did a great job and has a beautiful voice.  I really wanted him to express his feelings for Halide when she asked him about what he thought of her leaving but I guess he doesn’t want to hurt her since he’s basically undercover.  However, I have a feeling that’s going to change soon.  I’m not a Fusun fan so I was happy that Ariza discovered that she’s been seeing Murat and basically called her a hypocrite.  She, of course, misunderstands his concerns as jealousy which is not true.  Oh well, he tried to warn her.           

Until next week! 

Last Updated: Nov 5, 2020 18:56 pm (UTC) Filed Under:
Dee Lo ~ Guest Contributor
I love Turkish dizis. Huge fan of Tolga Sarıtaş and Ayça Ayşin Turan.