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Ariza: Season 1, Episode 11 Recap


The episode begins with Burak leaving home with Fiko after getting kicked out of the family and consortium.  As they leave, they run into Ariza who was chosen by the consortium to replace him.  Burak’s plan to get even with Ariza includes moving into his neighborhood so he can constantly run into him and his family and remind them of what he did to them.  Burak also plans on getting revenge on the consortium by partnering up with one of his old enemies, Numan, a leader of a neighborhood drug gang.  He convinces him by promising that he will help him get drugs and buyers that are willing to pay a lot of money for it.  Numan agrees.   

Ariza meets with Fuat to discuss his new role.  He also informs him they will be hosting a dinner party to show the underworld they have prevailed after going against Jabir and to introduce Ariza as their new “sword”.   Afterward, Ariza meets with Muzaffer who’s excited that he will now have access to everything to bring the consortium down.  He warns Ariza of the dangers that come with the underworld – power, wealth, and women. He tells him that his enemies will try to find his weakness and use it against him.  Muzaffer is aware of his feelings for Halide so he tells him that he may need to make a choice, either continue with his revenge plan or Halide.  Ariza responds that no one will make him decide between the two.

Halide continues to move forward with her plans for opening a clinic in Ariza’s neighborhood to help the less fortunate.  With the help of Ms. Rukiye, she finds a building that they both like.  As they make a list of repairs that are needed, Ariza arrives and agrees to help with anything that they need.  Halide jokes with him that he will no longer have time for her but he tells her that he will do whatever she asks of him and share a tender moment.  

Fuat surprises Murat in the hotel that he’s staying with Fusun.  His visit of course has a reason.  He asks Murat to get information from Fusun about Ariza.  He wants to know everything about him especially if he’s working with anyone with a police background.  He explains that he’s suspicious of Ariza for being the only person who was able to find and rescue Murat and Derya before anyone else.  Especially with the consortium’s connections.  He suspects Ariza was behind the kidnapping which was his plan to get rid of Burak.  Murat is hesitant about using Fusun for information but Fuat reminds him that it’s his fault Burak lost everything since he risked his life to save him.  Fuat also tells him that if he does help, then he will make sure that both he and Fusun live a happy life together. Eventually, Murat tries to get information from Fusun about Ariza but she misinterprets his interest as jealousy.  Murat tries to justify his sudden interest in Ariza by saying that he wants to thank him for saving him so Fusun tells him she’ll arrange a meeting between them so he can personally thank Ariza.    

Later that evening, the consortium along with their families, arrive to the dinner party they’re hosting for the most prominent people of the underworld.  When Ariza sees Halide in her beautiful white dress, he tells her she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life.  As the party begins, Burak makes a surprise appearance as Derya’s guest.  It upsets the consortium but instead of causing a scene, they allow him to stay as long as he doesn’t cause any trouble. After dinner, Fuat makes an announcement and introduces Ariza as their new “sword”.  Each consortium partner provides Ariza with a gift and the power that it comes with.  Throughout the ceremony, it’s clear that Halide had no idea of the announcement from the upset look on her face.  Once the ceremony is over, everyone toasts in honor of Ariza except for Halide who storms out of the room.  Later, Ariza finds Halide and attempts to explain that even though he has a new position, he’s still the same person.  She tells him that she’s more surprised than angry that he accepted the position when she’s been trying to get him out of that world.  She explains that he will no longer have any time to dedicate to her because of the demands of the consortium.  However, Ariza promises that the only person he can never refuse is her. 

During the party, Sheymuz receives word that one of his trucks was hijacked with a full load of merchandise.  They all agree that this will be Ariza’s first mission to find out who is responsible and locate the truck.  From across the room, Burak has a big smile on his face when he sees the partners getting upset.  

After Ariza leaves the party, he seeks Hasan to get advice from him.  He explains that he feels like he’s losing himself as he interacts more and more with the people he hates.  Hasan understands him since he also came from that world.  He tells Ariza that it will be more challenging but he’s fortunate to have someone who he loves and will support him.  However, Ariza responds that it’s getting harder to continue with his revenge since he didn’t plan on falling in love.  Before going home, Ariza stops at Halide’s clinic to work on some repairs and paint it as a surprise so she realizes that he won’t break his promises to her even in his new position.  

The following morning, Halide arrives at the clinic and finds the entire clinic painted and ready to be furnished.  As she’s checking the rooms, she’s surprised again by Ariza’s friends who arrive with a moving truck full of furniture for the clinic that has been provided by Ariza.  Since he’s not able to be there, he sends her a beautiful flower arrangement along with a love note.  In the middle of unpacking, Hasmet and Melek arrive to check on her.  Halide is pleasantly surprised that her father took the time to see where she’ll be working.  As Hasmet looks around, he notices the flowers on her desk.  He realizes that there is something going on between Ariza and Halide that appears to be getting serious which he’s not happy about.  On his way home, he calls Ariza and tells him to meet him at his house immediately.  Once he gets there, Hasmet confronts Ariza and tells him he doesn’t like being treated like an idiot.  He reminds him of the deal they made of not involving Halide in their business.  Ariza responds that he hasn’t done anything to hurt her.  Hasmet warns Ariza that he’s on a dangerous path and he will no longer allow Halide to be by his side.  He gives him an ultimatum – continue with his plan of revenge or stay with Halide.  


Burak meets with Numan to check on the merchandise they stole from Sheymuz.  Numan tells him it's worth $2 million dollars but isn’t sure what to do with it.  Burak convinces him to sell it so Sheymuz and the consortium know he was the one who stole it and isn’t afraid of them.  Burak also tells him about Ariza and suggests that Numan announce Ariza’s new role to the neighborhood with a “gift”.    

The next day, Numan’s men go around the neighborhood handing out gift boxes filled with drugs telling people it’s from Ariza.  One of those men approaches Fatih with a “gift” so Fatiah takes the man and brings him to the Taxi Café after they call Ariza to let him know what’s going on in their neighborhood.  When Ariza arrives, he finds out Numan is behind the gifts.  Just as Ariza is leaving to meet with Numan, Burak arrives pretending that he doesn’t know what’s going on.  Ariza almost loses control but Ferit reminds him that they have more important business to take care of with Numan. 

Ariza, Hasan, and Ferit meet with Numan in his neighborhood.  Ariza tells him he will apologize to his neighborhood for what he did and kiss his hand in front of everyone.  Numan laughs at him so Ariza warns him to watch his every move and leaves.  Numan immediately calls Burak to report that Ariza stopped by.  Burak tells him not to worry and that he found a buyer for the drugs so he’ll let him know once the purchase is coordinated.   

Later that evening, Halide stops by the Taxi Café with dinner.  She notices Ariza is acting different and assumes it has to do with her father.  She tells him that she knows he’s worried about what her father will think of their relationship.  Ariza doesn’t mention his meeting with Hasmet or about the ultimatum he gave him.  Halide wants to talk to her father that evening but Ariza asks her to wait a few days so they can both talk to him together.  He tells her that the only thing that worries him is that she won’t tolerate his new position.  However, she assures him that she’s ready to do anything for him.  

Ariza gets word that Numan is on his way to where he has the drugs hidden so Ariza and his crew follow him.  As they begin to make their plan of attack, Ariza gets a call from Sheymuz who tells him that he was also informed of the location of his drugs and is on his way to meet him.  Ariza attempts to discourage him from going but Sheymuz is adamant that he wants to see who had the courage to steal from him.  Ariza has to scramble to come up with Plan B so he and his crew successfully attack Numan’s warehouse.  They’re able to kill all of his men however Numan escapes.  Just as Ariza is about to set fire to the drugs, Sheymuz arrives and catches him in the act!  Until next week.

My Thoughts:

I enjoyed the scenes at the dinner party with everyone looking so elegant.  I thought Halide and Ariza looked fabulous!  It was very interesting to watch the scene where the consortium gifted Ariza a “power”.  Of course, I love the fact that Ariza and Halide are together and my favorite part was towards the end of the episode when Halide tells Ariza that she’s ready to do anything for him.  Love!  I was very surprised at the ultimatum from Hasmet.  I hope he’s just being an overprotective parent and won’t try to break them up.  However, I understand that he’s worried for her especially since Ariza is getting deeper into the underworld. 

Last Updated: Nov 30, 2020 08:56 am (UTC) Filed Under:
Dee Lo ~ Guest Contributor
I love Turkish dizis. Huge fan of Tolga Sarıtaş and Ayça Ayşin Turan.